Monday, April 19, 2010

Novena Intentions

If you would like us to remember a special intention or remember someone (living or deceased) as Fr. Voigt offers Mass in each location, please add those requests in the comment section.  I will make sure that the list of intentions is on the altar at each Mass celebrated over the next couple of weeks.


  1. Please include the intentions of Mrs. Kathleen Amato and Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Randazzo in the Masses and in your prayers.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed trip!

  2. Please pray for the spiritual welfare of our young adults.
    Lord grant us Priests! Lord grant us holy Priests! Lord grant us many holy Priests! Lord grant us many holy religious vocations!

  3. Please pray for the safe return of my parents from Europe!!!!! Love you guys have a safe and exciting trip... love Stefanie!
